Friday, November 29, 2019
American G.I Forum and Mexican American Politics
Introduction For several years, foreign communities seeking asylum in the US have continually suffered from racial prejudice and alienation. Several communities living in the US including the black Americans, Afro-Americans, Anglo-American, Canadians, Cubans, Mexicans, Filipinos, Hawaiians, and Chinese among others have experienced discrimination.1Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on American G.I Forum and Mexican American Politics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This aspect led to rising of veterans from different immigrant communities. In special attention to Mexicans, this community had veterans who tirelessly fought for equity especially among Native Americans and immigrant labourers. The advent of these veterans led to the formation of American Government Issue Forum that consequently spread to over 40 Texas cities in the United States.2 This forum provided a route through which Mexican American vetera ns articulated their grievances on bigotry against them, which countered favouritism and immigrants found a relief to equity. Therefore, this paper seeks to examine how the Mexicans in the US integrate in the state through labour unions and how they solve their daily problems socially and politically. Background Mexican veterans have continually played a significant role in the life of Mexican Americans living in the U.S, with G.I. Forums making great impacts on their lives. The G.I. Forum came into existence in the year 1948, immediately after the end of the Second World War.3 Dr. Hector P. Garcia initiated the organisation with a primary objective of addressing Mexican American veterans’ issues including the alienation that they were undergoing at that time. Mexican American veterans faced ethnic and racial discrimination in numerous ways.Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Le arn More To begin, the veterans suffered denial of medical services while serving under the United States Army. On realisation of the prejudice that dominated the U.S. army and the entire state, the G.I. Forums officially started fighting against racial and ethnic intolerance to restore equity between the Native Americans and the immigrants.4 Soon the G.I. Forums grew exponentially covering several cities in Texas claiming for civil, voting, educational, and adjudicator’s assortment rights. After acquiring recognition in the U.S, the war against discrimination did not halt. Mexican American leaders and other veterans continued suffering until after the assassination of their most influential leader, Felix Longoria.5 The white veterans tried to deny Mr. Longoria burial service, but the founder of the G.I. Forums secured the burial of the veteran through political talks. The advent of this case brought the American G.I Forum into public and national attention. The American G. I Forum continued to fight against discrimination and ensured that Mexican Americans received all rights just as other citizens, especially in the areas of healthcare to the poor.6 Voting being among their greatest concerns got substantial boost after the G.I. leaders fundraised to pay poll taxes for those who were poor, but willing to vote consequently increasing their political prowess. Currently, G.I. Forum is a nationally recognised organisation focusing on veterans and civilians civil and educational rights.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on American G.I Forum and Mexican American Politics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Political life of Mexican Americans Through the American G.I Forums’ efforts, equity between Mexican American and Native Americans became an important issue in the US. Through a gradual process of assimilation, the Mexican Americans living in the states have definitely had an opportunity to integrate into the American community.7 Their population has steadily increased and to a certain extent, their political dexterity is now eminent in several cities across the US. Since the formation of the American G.I Forums, political life of Mexican Americans has continually witnessed recession. Several acts and reforms have propelled the Mexican Americans living in the US. The number of Mexican American immigrants has continually increased due to efforts of eliminating prejudice initiated by the American G.I Forums.8 However, compared to Asians, Mexican American citizens have little educational and occupational opportunities, which consequently limit their chances of political participation and voting, which is significantly influenced by ethnicity. Prejudice among Mexican Americans Despite numerous efforts by Mexican leaders residing in the US, differences in sociodemographic background between the Native American whites and other migrant groups remains quite em inent. To date, the level of racial parity is a critical issue amongst American immigrants, with most of them becoming internally colonised.9 Ethnic biasness in the voting registration has dominated Texas and other area within the U.S â€Å"for the majority of Americans, voting requires few resources, while on the other hand, for individuals with personal or recent family history of immigration, however, there is an additional ‘cost’ to this most common form of participation†.10Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ethnic bias is a nuisance and hindrance towards Mexican Americans’ political participation in the US and thus their political impact is hardly felt due to low voting rates. Influence of governance to prejudice The form of regional administration and local governances frustrates Mexican American in their political economy. Due to continued ethnic issues and other biasness practiced through acculturation. Acculturation refers to an individual autonomy over civil duties and accessibility to information.11 A sense of civic duty means that an individual has civic rights, which include voting and participating in national affairs. On the other hand, â€Å"an individual’s level of information is gauged by the degree of familiarity with the American issues.†12 Most of the Mexican American citizens lack these two important variables, which are the most commonly associated with political partnership. Being more informed means that one has the prowess of civic rights that allow someone to participate actively in the government public affairs.13 Of the two most important issues, lack of information and low sense of civic duty posses significant barriers towards participation of Mexican Americans in political affairs. Partisanship and Political issues Partisanship is another factor that affects Mexican American political influence in the US. Partisanship simply describes the citizen’s ability, willingness, and power that influence selection of politicians or leaders.14 Partisanship is a very influential variable in the leadership and political landscape of the Americans. Characterised by ethnicity and other socio-demographic factors, the whites have higher political participation due to partisanship.15 Due to partisanship that Americans mostly dominate, leaders from the Mexican American community and their fellow citizens rarely possess chances in the American political realm. Compared to other immigrants living in the U.S, â€Å"better educati on, occupation, and stronger partisanship are important predictors of campaign contribution.†16 Therefore, in common knowledge, having a stronger partisanship depicts that Americans have a better likelihood of participating in voting and political issues. Immigration and Age in political influence The whites’ negative attitude towards immigration and immigrants is also a factor that significantly influences the Mexican Americans participation in the Americans politics. Native American views other races as illegal immigrants who have no civil, educational, labour, or even economical rights. This aspect consequently creates fear of prejudice from naturalisation and immigration service officials amongst Mexican Americans and other negro-white immigrants living in the U.S, which keeps them less informed and active in political affairs, giving pleasure of political dominance to the whites.17 Age is also a predominant socio-demographic factor. In most cases, old age associate s with strong partisanship that influences voting participation amongst the whites. With these two factors, there is a clear sense that they adversely affect the Mexican American political participation and political influence in general. Due to lack of proper laws to protect immigrants, the American whites have continuously practiced prejudice and segregation. Cultural life of Mexican Americans Mexican Americans have a unique culture with a substantial influence to the rest of immigrants and the American natives. Since Mexican Americans are the largest immigrant group in the US, their cultural influence spreads exponentially. â€Å"The persistent inflow of Hispanic immigrants threatens to divide the United States into two peoples, two cultures, and two languages.†18 Unlike other immigrants, the Mexican American immigrants have not integrated or rather assimilated into the American culture, instead Americans have continually adopted the Mexican American culture. Taking an exa mple of cultural dominance in Texas, where the American G.I Forum brought significant reforms, there is diversity of Mexican American culture.19 Their cultural housing system known as â€Å"colonias†dominates most parts of Texas with some whites adopting it.20 In El Paso, Texas, the Mexican American culture has influenced the culture of the surrounding communities through their music, foods, customs, and other cultural practises including ceremonies and other merriment parties. Foods, Music and Creativity Mexican American music is among the most popular music with its acceptance cutting across all ages and races along the American boarders. The entire Mexican culture has a nature of consumerism. Despite unequal economic and political power, Mexican Americans have managed to explore music and food market through their consumerism culture. For instance, in El Paso, Texas, basic foods of Mexican culture epitomise the complexity of the consumerism culture in this region. â€Å" The consumerism culture of the Mexican American culture is eminent in grocery stores, family parties, and fast-food restaurants in El Paso.†21 There are several Mexican basic foods, which have played an important role in propelling the services of fast-food restaurants in the city including fresh tortillas, tacos, hamburgers, burritos, and even cakes and beverages. Currently, Mexicans’ basic foods that people consumed in the Mexican interiors have now become the first choice foods that have completely replaced the American food culture in El Paso, Texas. Music is another Mexican culture that has regulated and changed cultures in the US. â€Å"The replenishment of Mexican immigrants maintains the vitality of Mexican culture and the social boundaries that animate ethnic distinctions.†22 Music is a popular Mexican America culture in El Paso, with their traditional and modern stage performances dominating the region. Replenished by painting techniques (murals), commu nity social networks, and their family co-operations, the Mexican music has continually performed well across the US. Commercial businesses and big hotels have now realised the talent possessed by Mexicans and this element has increased the consumerism of the Mexican culture and music. Consumerism culture of the Mexicans has now placed them into a position that at least enables them to overcome ethnic barriers, economical differences, and political inequalities that have segregated the Mexican communities residing in the United States. Apparently, Mexicans like their fellow Philippines and Spanish counterparts are renowned for their creativity in movies and soaps that have great media dominance across the world. One of the key components of their consumerism culture lies in their culture. The key element of Mexican American culture is common in the use of Spanglish. This element of creativity is frequent in radios, billboards, televisions, product advertisement, and signs in restaur ants and in the grocery stores used as attractive public figures to nurture business. â€Å"The majority of radio stations in El Paso broadcast in Spanish and incorporate much Spanglish, especially in advertising.†23 Due to the influence from television, radio, and other advertising media, the Spanglish has now become a common language and is currently the standard language for communication between Mexican American businesspersons. Comedians are now using Spanglish in their comedies. Economic issues Economically, the Mexicans are still languishing in poverty in the US. To date, the American government recognises Mexican American as illegal immigrants and are therefore economically disadvantaged. â€Å"Mexican Americans also constitute one of the most economically disadvantaged groups in the United States.†24 Estimates reveal that most Mexicans live below the poverty level with an average of 40 per cent as their household income. Despite being the most dominant immigra nt population in the US significantly increasing to the growth of the entire American population, their economic condition is disquieting. Mexicans like other immigrants are the first victims of economic problems during the national economic downturns due to high rates of unemployment and low paying jobs that associate with the Mexican Americans.25 Poverty has stricken most Mexicans and other immigrants that are disproportionately segregated having an estimated unemployment rate of 4.9 per cent. However, resulting from their hard work, Mexicans living in the US have significantly influenced the American economic growth. Mexicans work in several industries including agriculture, construction, and other small companies and businesses. Americans cannot ignore the efforts of Mexicans in building the American economy. â€Å"The experiences of second and third generation Mexican Americans reveal the long-term economic prospects of the Mexican-origin population.†26 However, despite their efforts, the American government rarely recognises Mexican immigrants and higher level of socio-economic differences are still dominant across American cities and states. In fact, statics keep on ignoring their economic efforts and keep on displaying false statics that undermine Mexicans’ hard work in propelling the American economy.27 The fight to stabilise equity, which the American G.I. Forum initiated and has continuously emphasised, has significantly enhanced the educational attainment, which is key to improving the Mexican Americans’ economic status. Conclusion The American G.I. Forum, which was started in the year 1948 by Mexican American veterans, brought a great impact in acquiring social justice and civil rights to several immigrants living in the US. Since the advent of the American G.I. Forum, Mexicans and other immigrants residing in the US have gradually tried to assimilate into the American environment by realising the importance of education and c ivil rights including voting.28 However, the Mexican Americans have continually faced segregation with their political and economical influence rarely recognised. Ethnic differences, the aspect of immigration, acculturation, partisanship, and socio-economic disparities are factors that have significantly affected Mexican American participation in political issues in the US. Socio-economic differences have the greatest impact on Mexicans’ political participation. However, Mexicans have proven important in shaping the culture of their surrounding especially in the Texas City. Mexican American’s culture of consumerism has dominated almost all regions around the city of Texas where American G.I. Forums started its roots. Mexican consumerism culture is eminent in America ranging from basic foodstuffs, commutation language, and their music as well. Works Cited American Government Issue Forum. History of the American G.I. Forum: American G.I. Forum, 2011. Web: Nov. 6, 2012. h ttp:// Campbell, Howard. â€Å"Chicano Lite: Mexican-American consumer culture on the border.†Journal of Consumer Culture 5.207 (2005): 204-233. Print. Fitzgerald, David. â€Å"Beyond ‘trans-nationalism’: Mexican hometown politics at an American labour union.†Ethnic and Racial Studies 27.2 (2004): 228–247. Print. Grogger, Jeffrey, and Stephen Trejo. Research Brief: Public Policy Institute of California, 2012. Web: 6 Nov. 2012. Hook, Jennifer, and Jennifer Glick. â€Å"Immigration and Living Arrangements: Moving Beyond Economic Need versus Acculturation.†Demography 44.2 (2007): 225-249. Print. Jackson, Robert. â€Å"Differential Influences on Latino Electoral Participation.†Political Behaviour 25.4 (2003): 339-366. Print. Jimenez, Tomas, and David Fitzgerald. â€Å"Mexican Assimilation: A Temporal and Spatial Reorientation.†Du bois review 4.2 (2007): 337–354. Print. Lien, Pei-te. â€Å"Ethnicity and political participation: A comparison between Asian and Mexican Americans.†Political Behaviour 16.2 (1994): 237-249. Print. Rosenblum, Mar, and Kate Brick. U.S. Immigration Policy and Mexican/ Central American Migration Flows: Then and Now, 2011. Web: 6 Nov. Villarreal, Angeles. â€Å"U.S.-Mexico Economic Relations: Trends, Issues, and Implications.†Congressional Research Service, 2012. Web: 6 Nov. 2012. Endnotes 1 Pei-te Lien. â€Å"Ethnicity and political participation: A comparison between Asian and Mexican Americans.†Political Behaviour 16.2(1994): 243. 2American Government Issue Forum. History of the American G.I. Forum American, G.I. Forum, 2011. Web. Nov. 6, 2012. 3 American Government Issue Forum 4 American Government Issue Forum 5 American Government Issue Forum 6 American Government Issue Forum 7 Howard Campbell. â€Å"Chicano Lite: Mexican-American consumer culture on the border.†Journal of Consumer Culture, 5.207 (2005): 233 8 Tomas Jimenez and David, Fitzgerald. â€Å"Mexican Assimilation: A Temporal and Spatial Reorientation.†Du bois review 4.2 (2007): 338. 9 Tomas Jimenez and David, Fitzgerald. (2007): 339 10 Pei-te Lien. (1994): 237 11 Pei-te Lien. (1994): 255. 12 Pei-te Lien. (1994): 255 13 Pei-te Lien. (1994):255 14 Tomas Jimenez and David, Fitzgerald. (2005): 233 15 Pei-te Lien. (1994):253 16 Pei-te Lien. (1994):250 17 Angeles Villarreal. â€Å"U.S.-Mexico Economic Relations: Trends, Issues, and Implications.†Congressional Research Service, 2012. Web: 6 Nov. 2012. 18 Robert Jackson. â€Å"Differential Influences on Latino Electoral Participation.†Political Behaviour 25.4(2003): 342. 19 Robert Jackson. (2003): 345 20 Howard Campbell. (2005): 210 21 Howard C ampbell. (2005): 207 22 David Fitzgerald. â€Å"Beyond ‘trans-nationalism’: Mexican hometown politics at an American labour union.†Ethnic and Racial Studies 27.2 (2004): 245. 23 Howard Campbell. (2005): 213 24 Jeffrey Grogger, and Stephen Trejo. Research Brief, 2012. Web: 6 Nov. 2012. 25 Marc Rosenblum and Kate Brick. 26 Jeffrey Grogger and Stephen Trejo 27 Marc Rosenblum and Kate Brick. â€Å"U.S. Immigration Policy and Mexican/ Central American Migration Flows: Then and Now, 2011. Web: 6 Nov. 28 Jennifer, Hook, and Jennifer Glick. â€Å"Immigration and Living Arrangements: Moving Beyond Economic Need versus Acculturation.†Demography 44.2 (2007): 230 This research paper on American G.I Forum and Mexican American Politics was written and submitted by user Alyvia N. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Jackson Destruction of the Bank Essay
Jackson Destruction of the Bank Essay Jackson Destruction of the Bank Essay Erik Neri Student ID: 8257678 Word count:1834 RESEARCH QUESTION: Why was president Andrew Jackson opposed to the national bank, and why did he destroy it? The legitimacy of President Jackson’s reaction to the Bank War issue has been contradicted by many, but his reasoning was supported by fact and inevitably beneficial to the country. Jackson’s primary involvement with the Second Bank of the United States arose during the suggested governmental re-chartering of the institution. It was during this period that the necessity and value of the Bank’s services were questioned. Jackson’s destruction of the bank was necessary because it was unconstitutional. Congress didn’t have the right to create such a bank. The Bank favored Northeastern states over southern and western states. I will go in depth to his core beliefs of why he hated banks in general. Part B: Summary of evidence The United States government in 1816 chartered the Second Bank of the United States. It had a 20-year charter, which was to expire in 1836. Despite this, the Bank was privately owned and during the age of Jackson, the president was Nicholas Biddle. The Bank was large in comparison to other banks, being responsible for 15-20% of bank loans in the United States and accounting for 40% of the banknotes in circulation. Also, the Bank held a specie reserve of 50% of the value of its notes, when normally other banks only had a specie reserve of 10-25% (Davis 1). In addition to the powerful coordination the Bank possessed, it influenced interest rates for loans to the working class and the rate of inflation in the US. Because of the use of various banknotes, changing from bank to bank due to the lack of national currency and mixture of specie, people trusted that each bank would be able to â€Å"cash in†their bank note for coins in return. This did not always hold true, but the Second Bank of the United States was the most trusted of the banks to supply specie in exchange for their banknotes. Because of this most people, in order to protect themselves from losing money, would exchange state bank notes for note s issued by the Second Bank. However, this meant that the Second Bank could threaten the state banks by demanding more gold, which might cause for their bankruptcy. As a result, the state banks were pressured into not being able to over issue their bank notes, which eventually decreased their importance and power in the nation by decreasing the circulation of their bank notes. This was the greatest argument posed by the leaders of the state banks against the Second Bank of the United States (Roughshod 2). Despite the oncoming bankruptcy of the state banks, prior to Jackson’s administration the government did not show much support in their survival. In fact, the government played a large role in the functioning of the Second Bank. Firstly, although it had been a privately owned institution, Congress and the President supervised its operations (Davis 1). Secondly, out of the twenty-five stockholders of the Bank, five of these were government owned. Thus showing support of the Bank by subscribing to one-fifth of its $35 million (Schlesinger 74). In addition, among t he Bank’s functions was to hold all government money, sell all government bonds, and make commercial loans. However, no voters could dictate its policies or reign in its power, due to its privately owned status (Roughshod 2). Finally, the government also allowed banknotes to be used as payment for taxes. With the Jackson administration into office, the Second Bank of the United States became threatened. President Jackson had a private prejudice that wasn’t party policy (Schlesinger 74). He hated banks, all banks, but he especially hated the Second Bank of the United States. He viewed all bankers as â€Å"little more than parasites who preyed upon the poor and honest working people of America†(Roughshod 2). The reason for his hatred most likely came from his near ruin as a businessman (land speculator,
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Shortage of Correctional Officers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Shortage of Correctional Officers - Essay Example This shortages could hardly accommodate the increasing number of convicted inmates. As the size of the inmate population increases at a facility, so does the number of custody staff. Variation in the inmate to custody staff is related to many factors including inmate population, facility design , security level, facility population and status of inmates at a facility. The Department are unable to hire enough correctional officers to meet its prison's needs so they often uses costly overtime hours to cover for the shortage of officers. One factor that influence the supply of correctional officers is that there are difficulties in attracting and training enough correctional officers. Although hiring more correctional officers would ease problems, the department may not fill the needs to operate its academy at full capacity. Another is shortfall of budget and plan. Based on Audits report During the first half year of 2001-02, the department spent more than 110 million for staff overtime. The budgeted amount for staff is worth $74 million but surprisingly its already $36 million more than the budgeted amount was spent for overtime. During their study they found out that hiring 3,200 staff of officers is needed to work the hours assigned as overtime to current staff. Other problems must be consider though overtime can be pleasurable to some officers b ut because excessive overtime can raise health and safety concerns, it suggests to assign academy graduates to prisons experiencing high rates of overtime. The department of Correction can give safety concerns by monitoring the amounts of overtime of an individual correctional officer. In regards to salary, based on the audit report, State Correctional Officers salary start at $2,001 a month during their six-week training period. After successful completion of training they receive $2,355 a month with in-grade raises up to $3,835. The usual work week is forty hours, but officers may be assigned to any one of three eight-hour shifts. Overtime, which may be required during emergencies, is compensated at time and a half. Federal employees start their careers at the GS-5 level, which offers a pay range of $ 1,627 to $2,115 a month. The top step usually achieved is the Senior Officer Specialist, GS_8, which ranges from $2,231- $2,901 per month. Correctional shortages at California prison can increase its supply of correctional officers by exploring opportunities to attract more qualified applicants. Make attention of the operating academy to pursue additional funding to give its full capacity. It also recommend to consider the feasibility of increasing the number of correctional officer applicants and physical capacity for training them. Maximize the use of officers by converting them to full time or ensure them that they work as close to the maximum of 2,000 hours a year if possible to fill the needs being met with overtime. Once it attract cadets to the academy than its budgeted positions, then the department should pursue funding for additional correctional officer positions it will need in order to reduce its reliance on overtime. Hiring for additional
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Lust by Susan Minot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Lust by Susan Minot - Essay Example The narrator is a young girl. The theme of the story revolves around male and female sexual patterns and expectations. In this essay I will examine some of the questions raised by this interesting story. â€Å"Lust†is set in the 1960s and 1970s and has a teenage girl as its narrator. She is involved in relationship with many boys. The story narrates how the girl gets connected to each boy and the relationship and sex life she has with each one. The tone is so somewhat impassive, which may mean that the girl is not moved by any relationship or feels attached to anyone. This is one of the surprises of the story. You expect, from the title, that the characters would be full of passion and desire, but they act more like robots or people lost in a mist. The title is probably therefore meant ironicallyâ€â€or perhaps the author didn’t realize how little feeling was in her depictions. The title of the story, â€Å"Lust,†hints at a story about passionate sexual relationships, but the voice the reader encounters is one of despair, indifference-- unexcited and cold. The narrator is involved in the relationships, but describes them with little color and individuality. The narrator takes the readers through each event in her sex life. She also shares her thoughts after her sex acts and the tone is quite casual and could be shocking to conservatives. The tone brings out the attitude of the girl towards sex and morals. This is one of the central conflicts of the story: between what the girl wants and what the girl gets. She is clearly looking for something more meaningful, but never really finds it. A lot of her unhappiness is an expression of this unresolved conflict. This trouble really resides in her own character. She has trouble generating meaning. The narration gives the events in the form of a list evoking the idea that the sexual acts are just thought an d acted out in an order or executed as planned
Monday, November 18, 2019
Culture diversity in Chinese hospitality industry Essay
Culture diversity in Chinese hospitality industry - Essay Example The BRIC countries are seen as the most attractive business markets of these times. These countries consist of Brazil, Russia, India and china. Thus, this is also one of the reasons why hospitality industry is at the rise in the Chinese market at the moment. However, whether it’s a foreign or local set-up, it is important that the hotels have a diverse workforce as cultural diversity makes it easier for them to cater to people from various backgrounds who visit the country.  With 80 million travelers in 2012, China exceeded US and Germany in becoming the largest source of travellers in the world, depicting the trend of growth of the market. That being said the Chinese market itself has been identified as the key markets for innovation where high end and middleclass hotels are expected to consolidate, budgeting options to become more innovative and sophisticated hospitality needs be catered to increasingly through the expansion of international chains to establish resorts and recreational arenas. The government of china has also highlighted tourism as one of the major growth sectors in its five years plans and facilitates foreign investment in the tourism sector by offering real estate discounts, tax exemptions and priority approvals for their set-up (, 2013). With a focus on tourism, the country is bound to attract people belonging to diverse backgrounds from the world order to cater to their needs on a better manner, it is important for the hospitality industry in China.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The High-Protein, Low-Carb Diet: An Analysis
The High-Protein, Low-Carb Diet: An Analysis High-Protein, Low-Carb Counterattack Carbohydrate-restrictive or ketogenic diets that are rich in animal products can help some people to lose weight because they offer some short-term improvement in glucose control. But because these diets are too rich in animal products, they incur significant risks such as cancer, heart disease, and kidney disease. They are especially dangerous for diabetics because a meat-based diet increases the risks of atherosclerosis and accelerates kidney failure in people with diabetes. In a recent study, researchers found that every 5 percent increase in calories consumed from animal protein increases the risk of diabetes by 30 percent. But vegetable protein was not associated with the increased diabetes risk. How Much and What Type of Animal Products Are Permitted? A maximum of only one or two (two- to three-ounce) servings of animal products a week is recommended: One or two servings of fish per week; or One or two servings of fish plus one small serving of white meat fowl, totaling less than six ounces per week. Studies show that people eating more than two servings of fish per week have higher incidence of type 2 diabetes. There is no significant benefit from using fish in your diet; you can get omega-3 fats from supplements. No other animal products are recommended. Red meats are to be avoided completely. Studies show diabetics with high red meat intake have 50 percent higher incidence of heart disease, probably because higher level of the heme iron in red meat. Facts About Eggs and Diabetes Studies show that people eating five eggs a week or more have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Diabetics who eat more than one egg a day double their heart disease or death risk. Get Protein from Your Vegetables Human protein requirement studies in the 1950s showed that adults require 20 to 35 grams of protein per day. People who eat a vegetable-based diet have been found to consume 60 to 80 grams of protein a day, well above the minimum requirement. Protein Content from Selected Plant Foods FOOD GRAMS OF PROTEIN Almonds (3 ounces) 10 Collars (2 cups) 8 Banana 1.2 Broccoli (2 cups) 10 Brown Rice (1 cup) 5 Chick Peas (1 cup) 15 Corn (1 cup) 4.2 Lentils (2 cup) 18 Peas, frozen (1 cup) 9 Spinach, frozen (1 cup) 7 Kidney Beans (1 cup) 13 Soybeans (1 cup) 29 Sunflower seeds (1/2 cup) 13 Sesame seeds (1/2 cup) 12 Tofu (4 ounces) 11 Whole Wheat Bread (2 slices) 5 Green vegetables, legumes, and beans have more protein per calorie than meat does. They are also rich in miconutrients. Animal protein is low-nutrient food because it does not contain antioxidants or phytochemicals. So eating more plant protein is the key to increasing our micrnutrient intake. The Dangers of IGF-1 Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is produced by the liver in response to the pituitary-derived growth hormone. It is one of the bodys important growth promoters during fetal and childhood growth. However, in adults, higher levels of IGF-1 promote cellular replication that can accelerate the aging process and promote cancer. Elevated IGF-1 levels are associated with increased risk of all major cancers, including breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer. Lower levels of IGF-1 are associated with enhanced insulin sensitivity and enhanced life span. Protein Intake Promotes IGF-1 The composition of protein and the amount consumed also affect IGF-1 levels. Animal protein causes a larger increase in IGF-1 compared to plant protein because animal protein is more biologically complete. For people with diabetes, a relative low amount or animal protein could raise their IGF-1 level. This is the main reason why we restrict animal intakes to only six ounces per week. Plant proteins are less biologically complete. The body has to combine the amino acids for biological completenss, so they do not raise the IGF-1 level like animal proteins do. Refined Carbohydrates Promote IGF-1 Excess intake of refined carbohydrates can also have an effect on IGF-1. Insulin regulates energy metabolism and affects IGF-1 signaling by increasing the production of IGF-1 and decreasing the IGF-1-binding proteins.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
an american story :: essays research papers
On November 25, 1986 at five minutes past noon, President Ronald Reagan marched into the White House briefing room to announce that Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North had been relieved of his duties on the National Security Council staff for supplying arms to the Iranians. By Stephan Perry It began in 1961 when Oliver North joined the Marine Corps, never knowing what he was in store for. Combat-decorated Marine, best selling author, founder of a small business, host of a nationally heard radio show, inventor with three U.S. patents and former candidate for the U.S. Senate, Oliver North is returning to newspapers with his hard-hitting column. â€Å"Ollie†, as he prefers to be called, was born in San Antonio, Texas and graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis and served 22 years as a U.S. Marine. His awards for service in combat are the silver star, the bronze star for valor and two purple hearts for the wounds he received in action. Assigned to the National Security Council staff in the Reagan administration, North was involved in planning the rescue of 804 students on the Island of Grenada and played a major role in the daring capture of the hijackers of the cruise ship Achille Lauro. After helping to plan the U.S. raid on Maummar Qaddaffis, terrorist based in Libya, he was targeted by Abu Nidal, the world’s deadliest assassin. North’s involvement in the Reagan administration’s support for the anti-communist freedom fighters in Nicaragua and the rescue of American hostages held in Beirut Lebanon, catapulted North into international prominence. North has lectured at Oxford and many other colleges and American universities. He is controversial and committed, but retains the charisma that shocked the world during the so-called Iran Contra hearings and in his 1994 campaign for U.S. Senate. North believes that â€Å"We can disagree without being disagreeable.†The Iran Contra affair is the name of the major United States foreign policy scandal in the 1980s. It involved two secret operations by the executive branch of the government. The operations were 1) the sale of military equipment to Iran and enemy of the U.S.; and 2) The provision of the military aid to Contra rebels in Nicaragua, which Congress had banned. The two operations were connected by the use of profits from the Iranian arms sales to aid the Contra rebels. After United States president Ronald Reagan took office in 1981, he claimed the Sandinistas had set up a communist dictatorship.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Discovery: Indigenous Australians and Historical Truth Essay
Discoveries reveal things that we often would prefer to keep hidden. Discuss the concept of â€Å"Discovery†and the effects it has on those who are involved. You must refer to your set text and supplementary material which you have studied in relation to this topic. The topic discovery involves the reviling of past things that were previously unknown. These truths can range from physical objects to self-awareness, from new knowledge to hidden memory. However, discovery can be such a powerful thing that some things may be better left hidden. An example of someone discovering the past is in the set text, Sally Morgan’s â€Å"My Place†. The supplementary material that will be â€Å"Paperbark-tree†by Oodgeroo Noonuccal and Sarah’s Story from the National Inquiry. Two issues that are raised in â€Å"My Place†are the discovery of self and the search for historical truth. Part of growing up involves the discovery of self. This normally means finding out your family’s history. In â€Å"My Place†, Sally grows up feeling that there is a lot about her past that she doesn’t know.†the feeling that a very vital part of me was missing and that I’d never belong anywhere. †When she was a child, her best friend was Winnie the Pooh. She felt that she had a lot in common because they both felt like misfits. Both her mother and grandmother know that Sally doesn’t know much about their Aboriginal heritage, and so therefore tell her that she is Indian. â€Å"Come on, Mum, what are we? What do the kids at school say? Anything. Italian, Greek, Indian. Tell them you’re Indian. †Eventually Sally find’s out that she is Aboriginal and by finding this out, starts her on a quest for knowledge. This feeling of having not much idea of who you are may make you want to go and find out the truth. A big example of this is Aborigine’s who were taken from their parents as children and sent away to work as slaves. In Sarah’s story she explains how as a child, just like Sally, she was told that she was not aboriginal. She was white skinned living with her white skinned father and had to be taken away because people believed that white skins should not mix with natives. â€Å"We were discouraged from any contact with Aboriginal People. †The second issue that is faced in â€Å"My Place†is historical truth. Know matter how the reader interprets the story, they are always going to be able to read about Australia’s past. As Arthur tells Sally, â€Å"There’s almost nothing written from a personal point of view about Aboriginal people. No one knows what it was like for us. A lot of our history has been lost? †In search for her family’s story, Sally uncovers the historical truth of a generation controlled by a white Australia. Paperbark Tree, by Oodgeroo Noonuccal is a short story, who has been cut off from the Aboriginal ways of life, travels the country looking for traces of her tribe. Both Oodergeroo in the story and Sally Morgan begin their search for knowledge as women without an understanding of their past history. They both need to connect with their Aboriginality and understand how their relatives or tribe members lived. They both travel around looking for information. By learning stories of the past, and writing them down, both women are able to understand who they are and connect with the wealth of aboriginal culture and experience. In conclusion, discoveries can reveal things that that are previously unknown and sometimes the truth is better left hidden.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Benefits of Chinese Economic Development Essay Example
Benefits of Chinese Economic Development Essay Example Benefits of Chinese Economic Development Essay Benefits of Chinese Economic Development Essay Introduction It was during the eve of 10th November 2001 when China opened its door to Economic reform. The policy was enacted by the worlds most prominent leaders-Deng Xiaoping, because China was allowed to join the World Trade Organization in Doha, during the 4th Ministerial meeting after hard talks that took about 15 years to be accepted. The Chinese official doctrine had been dominant since the occurrence of the strategic change in 1978, and it had become one of the political reform. Revitalizing and loosening the grip of the communist and the foreign policy invited cooperation and interaction with the outside world. The decision to open up and encourage reforms has on many occasions been cited by the Chinese authorities to be the primary force behind its overall growth since 1978. The policy assisted China to be one of the countries that managed to become a world power within a short time. China also had to take a new role in defining its responsibilities as a state that was persuasive both at the international and regional levels. However, the open door and reform policy have brought about problems that are elemental and have the cultural impact, income parity areas as well as influencing China to embrace Capitalism instead of Socialism. Therefore, this article will focus on the benefits of the Chinese development recorded in its economy and the drawbacks as well. Technology Improved technology and infrastructure have been brought about by growth in the Chinese economic. As a result of economic growth, the amount of money spent on; gas, electricity, communication, water supply and various technologies has also gone up. According to Canning and Pedroni (1999), there is a substantial evidence of the GDP influence on the societys stock and infrastructure. The growth is also attributed to have a positive impact on the standard of living of the general population leading to the rise in the economic growth. There have also been improvements in the health of the general population due to improvements in standards of living now that the basic needs such as shelter, clothing, and food are available to the people. Frank (2004), noted that the mortality rate, as well as child malnourishment, was low because of a reduction in poverty levels thus improving life expectancy. Rivera and Currais (1999), on the other hand, have also confirmed the relationship between heal th and economic growth. It only demonstrates a high association between the health status and the increase in income because all these factors point in the same direction. In low-income countries, there is the likeness of getting more mortality healthy rate compared to the developed countries. Since China has a real economic growth, its health status is good, therefore, improved the standards of living. It because of the access to high incomes. Both individuals, as well as governments, can use more money on health in regards to; infrastructure and health facilities, sanitation and nutrition, innovations in technology, medical and research while trying to ensure life is improved. Whenever this happens, a direct impact is felt at the national level leading to development. In case, the existing healthcare system is weak; a lot could as well be called upon to remedy the situation. On the other hand, the state of healthcare is measured by the level of income and tends to increase faster only illustrating how this is likely to impact on the economic growth of a nation. Due to advancement in technology in China, it has become easier for the health sector to conduct research on the most life-threating diseases. Education Among the leading sectors include the education sector. Emphasis focuses much on ensuring quality education mainly due to an improvement in the economic growth in the Chinese economy. The connection that exists between economic education and economic development is thus real. The level of economic growth influences education because when the level of income is high, the number of people seeking education also increases. As a result of the GDP per capita increasing and both the public as well the Chinese government has more to spend on education. Whenever this happens, the number of individuals seeking knowledge increases while, on the other hand, a lot of investment is carried out on education to cater for the rising need thus implying that there is great access to quality education. The focus also shifts from merely setting up facilities rather also focus on ensuring the provision of adequate tutors who are well-renumerated while hoping that this will translate to quality education. Education also plays a better part in empowering people thus may not only need to focus much on employment rather can as well come up with ventures aimed at addressing the need in society. As of now, the Chinese can easily access luxuries and the core needs because they earn enough to cater for such goods. Social structure The policies leading to Chinas economic reforms have brought about an improvement in the structure of the Chinese society, politics, social value system, and rapid advancement of its economy. Our focus will direct attention on, Chinas political development model. The point aims at finding out how it managed to realize much within a short time. Chinas political advancement will thus be studied. The growth in the economy is said to have promoted political development and political change. Chinas economic reform policy has mainly assisted the nation in an opening to the outside world. One is also likely to see how a lot of investment has been carried out in China thus leading to urbanization across China. During the transition period, people had to change the wy they thought to welcome change. Without acknowledging this, not much was likely to come about. A lot of significance was given to the transition period during which this was encouraged. Before the year 1979, the Chinese communit y was much closed. Although there was little knowledge about the socialist countries as well as the former U.S.S.R, the local people in China had no exposure to the outside world, and they knew nothing concerning the western world. Therefore, they did not dedicate themselves to working hard. As a result of reform, people realized the importance of working hard because they saw how this was going to replicate back benefits to their lives thus elevate their living standards. As a result of change, people focused more on economic matters as opposed to politics. The entrepreneurial spirit played a great role while steering growth. The spirit did not exist in the old system of economy. The social structure of China is now more diverse owing to many races from across the globe. Many cross-cultural activities also take place across China leading to mutual understanding among people as opposed to the past when foreigners treated with a lot of suspicions. Before the reform, the country had rigid and unitary social structure founded on the status system relatively fixed with a lot of dynamics like position and power. It was not connected directly to the income or even education as seen in the western societies while measuring social status. In the previous social structure of China, individuals looked for status by pursuing power through promotions to powerful positions, while income was a central determinant of status and development. During the economic reform period, there were changes in resource allocation. Social structure witnessed a transfer of resources. Resources assigned to individuals with lower position and less power according to the new economic system. T here has been a shift in the resource allocation triggering the tight relationship between skills, income, and position to a liberated element in judging the peoples status. Position and power not used in determining the relationship. Individuals can attain the status that is higher by raising their levels of income. Resource transfer The changes in resources transfer have shown the existence of independent economic interests of the objective existence. Before all these reforms, individuals were mainly educated on how to seek for common interests. If a person pursued interests that were individual-centered, he or she was prone to critique because the benefits were considered to be bad. The recent changes, however, encourage people to pursue their economic interests independently. Through investment diversification and resource transfers process. New strata and new social classes have made levels that did not exist in the previous structure such as the difference discern. Individuals are likely to express themselves by speaking what they feel, and this has resulted to the widening of the range of discussion. ;;;;;The reform has minimized the role of the Communist Party in individuals private lives. It shows how Chinese people have become free, knowing that historically they were never free as the are today. Individual freedom influenced by the work unity of danwei. All persons in the past were involved in a work unit that not only determined salaries, housing and promotions but other issues like whether they could travel or they could get married. Each workers dossier was kept in the unit; the file listed political as well as biographical information. In contrast, a significant number of individuals now are no longer engaged in the work-unit scheme, because they are personally involving themselves in businesses, or employed in foreign countries. The Chinese realized that for a person to make a living, he or she must rely on ones self to be free from the danwei. Even those still working in the work units are enjoying freedom in the highest degree. However, most Chinese in the current soci ety opt to concentrate on the future by living within the present system of the Chinese community. The reforms helped raise efficiency as compared to the past but were as a result of an introduction of profit incentives to rural collective enterprises which despite being owned by the local government managed by the principles of the market. Small private businesses, traders, foreign investors and family farms freed most enterprises from the authority interference. As a result of the stake by the state-owned enterprise, the output reduced from 56 percent of the output of the country to 40 percent, while the share common business rose to 50 percent from 42 percent, and the incentive returns of the common ventures and individual firms rose 10 percent from 2 percent. The incentives of profit have shown how they impacted the private capital market in a positive manner, as small producers and factory owners were eager to get more returns while engaging themselves in business. A remarkable productivity performance is an evidence of Chinas economic reform benefit. How did the changes work to boost the modern economy of China? Before the reforms of 1978, nearly out of five, four people in China worked in agriculture; by the year 1994, the number reduced to one person in two people. The reforms made the rights of property be expanded in the countryside and resulted in the formation of rural nonagricultural businesses. Higher prices and collectivization for the products of agricultural-led to more efficient labor use and farms that belonged to the families. The forces together made many people get out of agriculture. The village enterprises drew many people into manufacturing that had a higher value addition, making them abandon traditional farming. The 1978 post reforms gave greater autonomy to enterprise managers. It gave them freedom to set their goals on production, to use competitive prices in the market to sell their product, to make a choice on investme nt, had the authority to give bonuses to excelling workers and also they had the ability to fire the nonperforming employees. The reforms encouraged ownership of own production, and there was a creation of jobs, more consumer commodities developed, foreign trade assisted in earning of the hard currency, the state taxes were paid. It offered the nation a resilient and flexibility that was not there before. By encouraging foreign investment, the economy was only bound to grow. Cumulative investment from the foreign countries increased; these investments helped in factories construction, job creation and it made China link with the international markets. Also, significant transfer of technology was witnessed. Economic freedom boosted exports. The price reform assisted the Chinese to proceed vigilantly, offering an autonomy amount that was fair to agricultural products and consumer goods but much lower to the rest of the sectors. Poverty reduction China has 20 percent of the population in the world. As they continue becoming richer, apparently consumption rate will grow. Many businesses will attempt to vend to the Chinese market, the worlds biggest. The products will be made in the tastes and preference of the Chinese. As a result of economic growth, the country has become an economic leader in the whole world. China is also known as the worlds largest producer of steel and aluminum. The tech companies in China are becoming world-class. Huawei and Miami are two smartphone producers and number one in China. Miami has increased its exports to India and Brazil. Huawei Company is exporting to South America and Peru. Lenovo Company is also another personal computer manufacturer that is a world class. Conclusion In conclusion, the Chinese economic growth has led to many benefits compared to the drawbacks. Although China takes a unique position in the political economy of the world due to its large physical size and huge population, making it an influential globally player, it is still likely to offer great lessons to most of the developing countries. A great lesson learned is that there is a need to provide incentives to small private businesses and rural based enterprises while encouraging growth. By doing so, it is likely to support productivity able to aggravate growth. For nations with a large population who depend on agriculture, the Chinese example may be instrumental, by encouraging rural enterprises growth and not necessary focusing on industrial sectors in the urban areas. China has transferred millions of workers into factories from off farms without causing a crisis in the cities. And finally, the open-door policy in China has spurred direct investment from foreign countries thus leading to job creation and economic development. ;References Canning, D., ;Pedroni, P. (1999).Infrastructure and long-run economic growth.Consulting Assistance on Economic Reform II Discussion Paper, 57. Rivera IV, B., ;Currais, L. (1999). Economic growth and direct health impact or reverse causation?. Applied Economics Letters, 6 (11), 761-764.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Online Classes for West Virginia K-12 Students
Free Online Classes for West Virginia K-12 Students West Virginia offers resident students the opportunity to take online public school courses for free. Below is a list of no-cost online schools currently serving elementary and high school students in West Virginia. In order to qualify for the list, schools must meet the following qualifications: classes must be available completely online, they must offer services to state residents, and they must be funded by the government. Virtual schools listed may be charter schools, state-wide public programs, or private programs that receive government funding. List of West Virginia Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools West Virginia Virtual School Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools Many states now offer tuition-free online schools for resident students under a certain age (often 21). Most virtual schools are charter schools; they receive government funding and are run by a private organization. Online charter schools are subject to fewer restrictions than traditional schools. However, they are reviewed regularly and must continue to meet state standards. Some states also offer their own online public schools. These virtual programs generally operate from a state office or a school district. State-wide public school programs vary. Some online public schools offer a limited number of remedial or advanced courses not available in brick-and-mortar public school campuses. Others offer full online diploma programs. A few states choose to fund â€Å"seats†for students in private online schools. The number of available seats may be limited and students are usually asked to apply through their public school guidance counselor. Choosing a West Virginia Online Public School When choosing an online public school, look for an established program that is regionally accredited and has a track record of success. Be wary of new schools that are disorganized, are unaccredited, or have been the subject of public scrutiny. Evaluating virtual schools is important to ensure that it meets the students needs and fulfills educational requirements.
Monday, November 4, 2019
The influence of ink and color paintings in China art history Research Paper
The influence of ink and color paintings in China art history - Research Paper Example At the international scene, Chinese art has been doing extremely well especially in the western markets. This can be attributed to immigration of artists to western countries during Tiananmen Square uprising in 1989. Prior to this uprising, Chinese paintings and art were not properly established in the west, due o the fact that the country was locked from foreigners. Currently, Chinese art is among the most revered in the world. Artists concentrate on themes that are centered on their rich exotic culture, which has increased their popularity in the western world. It is worth noting also that most artist have adopted literati form of art to distinguish their art from the rest. ‘Admonitions of the instructress to the court ladies’ by Gu Kaizhi, is one such painting that has had a tremendous impact in the world of art. Dated back to the 8th century, this painting adopts the linear style of figure painting popular in the fourth century. Though two scenes are currently missin g, the painting had nine scenes initially. It is a political parody that criticizes the immoral behavior of an empress while at the same time instructing ladies on correct behavior. Due to its popularity, many a powerful men in history were in possession of this portrait. This is evident by the number of seals and inscriptions on it. Another example of a Chinese painting that has been the center of marvel among art lovers is ‘Along the River during the Qingming Festival’ by Zhang Zeduan. The painting depicts the street.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Teaching Multiculturalism with Materials List and Script Essay
Teaching Multiculturalism with Materials List and Script - Essay Example The story is told from the point of view of the spirit of a Grandmother finishing her time on Earth. It describes some Indian's beliefs about what it is like to cross into the spirit world. (Non-computer source) 2. Video: Positively Native - This video deals with stereotypes about Native Americans and how one Native American child comes to terms with those stereotypes. The story follows Martin as he creates a video that gives an accurate portrayal of Indian lifestyle. Martin learns about his own heritage by interviewing relatives and taking part in a drumming ceremony (Chariot Video Distribution). (Non-computer source) 3. Audio: Grey, Z. (n.d., originally publ. 1922). The vanishing American. Grey has a sympathetic take on Native Americans and sees a culture in peril. It tells of a young Navajo who is taken by a party of whites at a young age and subsequently has a white upbringing. He struggles to balance his Native American origin with the white culture he knows well and in which he enjoys success. (Non-computer source) 4. Picture: National Museum of the American Indian. Assiniboine cloth dress. Retrieved July 23, 2008, from This picture shows a dress that bridges cultural gaps between Native American worlds. For book: "No matter where someone might live on this planet, one thing is sure: people from a community there, sometimes even close friends and family members, eventually pass away. What are some things people in our society - not necessarily you, maybe just someone you know - believe about the afterlife I've placed you in small groups to discuss this subject. You have 5 minutes to talk. Select one person to write a list of things you noted, and another person to read the list to the class." "Now that you've shared your thoughts, please start group reading Beyond the ridge, by Paul Goble. As you read, you should each make notes about how the grandmother in the story deals with an important issue in her life." "You've made some good lists about issues that were important to the grandmother. Now compare this list to the list you made earlier, about your ideas of the afterlife. Where are there similarities and differences" For video: "What are some things you think you know about people who live in the southern part of the United States How about people from the North What about people from the West [list all answers on board.] Here on our list, we have some accurate information, but we also have some stereotypes. What are stereotypes [collect students' answers on board.] We can say that stereotypes are broad conceptions we have of a large group that we form based on interaction with and knowledge of a small number of people from that group. What stereotypes do you think people have about elementary school students Does it ever hurt your feelings when they think something is true about you, but it s not "What do you think are some stereotypes people have about Native Americans [collect list on board.] Let's take a look at a video called Positively Native. It will tell us how a young Native American thinks the world sees him, and
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