Monday, August 24, 2020
Business Management of Cloud Services
Business Management of Cloud Services 1. Build up official help Senior supervisory group must comprehend and assume liability for the fruitful reception of cloud administrations. Weights will originate from various key players in any cloud choice: IT, fund, acquisition, and the client network. The IT people group is generally worried about worldwide access and effect on systems, security, client execution, and so forth. The way in to their help is an all inclusive mindful compositional arrangement for cloud usage. Fund and acquisition are generally worried about setting aside cash. The way to official help is a very much idea ROI reason and figuring. Clients are regularly most concerned scaling nature in lock-step with changes to the business. The way to official help from this gathering is to exhibit higher flexibility from the cloud. 2. Address hierarchical change the executives Management must comprehend and address the weights presented by distributed computing on the association. Distributed computing will acquaint change with the typical IT improvement and sending forms, separating numerous authoritative obstructions and standards. At the core of progress is dread of misfortune basically, loss of control. The change must have a very much overseen, all around arranged procedure for alleviating trepidation of misfortune. Grasping change is basic to progress. 3. Set up duty The association must be completely dedicated to creating and executing a key arrangement for distributed computing inside the undertaking. Selection of distributed computing ought to be driven by senior administration including the CEO and CFO with the CIO and CTO assuming a job of key empowering agents. 4. Cautiously assess cloud administration understandings to guarantee basic business needs Do not utilize administration understandings for an in a general sense broken framework that can't meet the desires being set. The administration understanding is a common obligation and basically moving a support of a cloud supplier do esn't imply that the administration will mysteriously work. Purchase administration, not servers. Search for complete oversaw administrations where you depend on the cloud supplier to coordinate all the parts into a total arrangement. An appropriately arranged assistance understanding will guarantee there is an association between the client and supplier for the general accomplishment of the administration. 5. Address combined administration Cloud administrations are ordinarily conveyed, however most order and-control frameworks for overseeing IT are various leveled. To succeed, some level of conveyed control and unified administration is important to coordinate the model of cloud administration conveyance. Before settling on a choice on a cloud specialist co-op, it is essential to see how the cloud administration will be overseen and what procedures should be coordinated into the current IT condition. 6. Support security and protection At the core of security is trust. Frequently c loud suppliers have a more profound consciousness of what is required to give great security than the clients they serve. Be that as it may, the client and cloud specialist organization must cooperate to set up a trust relationship and to build up the security and protection required. Record the degree of security required to appropriately ensure the administration and information and let the supplier affirm how the prerequisites will be met. Equitably measure the provider’s genuine security capacities. It is important that delicate data doesn't discover its way into an inappropriate hands. The supplier is answerable for guaranteeing that the information has proper security, reliable with the necessities of the SLA. 7. Consent to legitimate and administrative necessities An association must know about and plan for adherence to lawful and administrative prerequisites, including those identified with security, protection and openness. Inability to agree can wreck the distribute d computing exertion and result in expensive claims. 8. Characterize measurements and a procedure for estimating sway Create operational measurements which characterize consistent state achievement †characterize how the measurements will be estimated. Use measurements to survey cost reserve funds and income improvement, and to approve SLA consistence, including flexibility, accessibility, execution globalization, and so on. By estimating results, there will be a benchmark from which to settle on better choices for future cloud administrations with the objective of constant ROI improvement
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Elements in Road not taken Essay Example For Students
Components in Road not taken Essay Robert Frosts Poetic Techniques Uniquely Used in The Road Not TakenRobert Frost uses a few idyllic procedures to uncover the topic in his sonnet, The Road Not Taken, which is focusing on the significance the dynamic of one is, whether or not or not it is concurrence with the goals of their friends, and how it can influence their future. The procedures practiced in this bit of work are imagery, symbolism, and tone. Imagery is the most capably utilized method because of the reality a decent number of lines situated in this sonnet is utilized to connote a specific article or thought identified with our life or todays world. Symbolism is noteworthy in drawing out the topic for the explanation that it permits the peruser to develop a portrayal in their psyche, allowing them to relate more to the sonnet and decipher the topic their own particular manner. In this sonnet, symbolism allows the peruser to envision the scene that this sonnet happens in bringing about an improved comprehension of the subject. The tone this work presents is an uncertain demeanor which permits the subject to be brought out because of the reality the topic identifies with a quandary in ones life. As observed by the peruser, these strategies firmly help in the noteworthy of this particular subject. The principal procedure Frost uses to reveal the subject is the most grounded technique, symbolism.Exploiting imagery is utilized by containing objects in the sonnet that speak to an article of something important in the perusers life; along these lines, aiding the introduction of the topic. The fundamentally represented article in this sonnet is the byway, which is the premise of the topic. Two streets wandered in a yellow wood,/And sorry I was unable to travel both/And be one voyager, long I stood/And looked down one to the extent I could/To where it twisted in the undergrowth (Frost. 1-5). Emblematically, Robert Frost works admirably of changing an apparently normal street to one critical, speaking to a choice that could lead one out of two separate bearings. The goals the voyager happens upon may conceivably influence their life; along these lines, focusing on the significance of dynamic. The accompanying emblematic component is the nature of the courses the explorer experiences. The previous way is worn out
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Books to Gift Yourself for Mothers Day
Books to Gift Yourself for Mothers Day When my first Mothers Day as an actual mother with an actual child rolled around, I was expecting what you see on TV. Mom, in bed, waking up from a long and well-deserved rest to find her child and spouse coming into the room with a perfect (or adorably imperfect) breakfast on a tray. There would be flowers, there would be heartfelt words of appreciation, there would be hugs, and then Mom would be left to bask in the afterglow all by herself. I learned quickly that this isnt how Mothers Day actually works. Im about to hit Mothers Day #6 and I havent had a single one that resembled that vignette in my head in any way at all. Most mothers I know dread Mothers Day and only a small handful end up with that breakfast in bed or the trip to the spa that were told is so common. My response has been to stop being disappointed and start making my own Mothers Day. I treat myself. I think about how my journey is going and I try not to rely on any expectations. So if youre in my position (or you want to be), here are some books you can treat yourself to for Mothers Day this year as you ponder what you do every day. Books on Motherhood Finding commonality in parenthood is invaluable, especially when youre going through the overwhelming early years or the overwhelming middle years or the overwhelming teenage years. An anthology is a wonderful solution, it offers up so many different stories that youre bound to find many that relate to your own experience and many more that expand it. A perfect pick is Listen To Your Mother: What She Said Then, What Were Saying Now edited by Ann Imig. This book grew out of a live stage show similar to The Moth where mothers and everyone who loves (or hates) them share their stories. And I should disclose that my passion for the movement led to my current role as Director of the Boston Listen To Your Mother production. The stories in this book are taken from hundreds and hundreds of stories shared by all kinds of women and men since the show began. Gay parents, adoptive parents, single parents, gifted kids, unusual kids, special needs kids, every struggle and every success is here an d the essays are all brief so it makes a great book when you just need to pause for 5 minutes or so and take a minute to reconnect with your own humanity. If you find yourself falling into the trap of mom guilt and feeling like youre just not up to snuff, I recommend reading Bad Mother by Ayelet Waldman. Waldmans essays push and pull and dont care if they rub you the wrong way. Shes always straightforward about her emotions, about difficult decisions, and her famous statement that she loves her husband more than her kids. Its a collection that makes you reconsider your own ideas about what parenthood means to you and gets your brain moving in a satisfying way that you may need if you havent talked to an adult in a few days. Inspiring Mothers From Fiction If you like fiction and you want to spend a little time with the perfect mothers you read about when you were young, revisit some young adult classics. First up: Marmee in Little Women. Marmee is supportive and loving, but she also challenges her daughters and wants them to grow up to be their best selves. A close second place goes to Marilla from Anne of Green Gables. If youre feeling like a reluctant mother, like youre not sure this is quite all its made out to be and you dont know if you have the knack for it, remember Marilla. She wanted a boy, she wanted to take Anne back, and lets try not to imagine what life would have been like if shed had her wish. Watching Marilla change as she learns what real parenthood is reminds us that we dont have to be a natural. Mothers You Definitely Arent If you dont want inspiration, you can always go the opposite route and feel superior by comparison. Luckily, memoirs are full of bad mothers. Really bad mothers. Seriously awful mothers that will make you feel like youve really got a handle on this thing because you showed up today and you werent drunk. Did you abandon your adolescent son to be raised by your delusional psychiatrist where hell encounter drugs, pedophiles, and all manner of situations that are almost too freakish to be believable? Well good. Then youre doing much better than the mother of Augusten Burroughs in Running With Scissors. Did you have heat in your home this winter? If there were icicles in your kitchen, would you tell your children cold weather is good for them? Do your children have to help you out of bed in the morning because the crushing of your artistic spirit is more important than putting food on the table? Then congratulations, youre doing better than Rose Walls, the mother of Jeannette Walls in her memoir, The Glass Castle. Have you provided your children with drugs, alcohol, or pornography? Do you chronically lie to them? Do you give them intimate details of your sex life? Then you deserve a pat on the back because youre many steps up from the mother of Susanna Sonnenberg, author of the memoir Her Last Death. See? You may have forgotten permission slips, lost your temper, or been stumped by 2nd grade homework, but youre really not doing that bad now, eh? Whatever gift you choose, make it count. Because the chances of that Sunday morning breakfast in bed arent looking so hot. ____________________ Book Riot Live is coming! Join us for a two-day event full of books, authors, and an all around good time. Its the convention for book lovers that weve always wanted to attend. So we are doing it ourselves.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Mark Twain Satire
We have known Mark Twain for his celebrated works such as Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Adventures of Tom Sawyer. But readers of his stories have not necessarily been exposed to his signature satire. Mark Twains satire earned him accolades. What ought to be done to the man who invented the celebrating of anniversaries? Mere killing would be too light.There is an old-time toast which is golden for its beauty: When you ascend the hill of prosperity may you not meet a friend.Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize it.Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet.Denial aint just a river in Egypt.Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.Wagners music is better than it sounds.Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.In a museum in Havana, there are two skulls of Christopher Columbus, one when he was a boy and one when he was a man.A man never reaches that dizzy height of wisdom when he can no longer be led by the nose.Be good and you will be lonesome.The rule is perfect: in all matters of opinion our adversaries are insane.Ma n is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to.The human race is a race of cowards; and I am not only marching in that procession but carrying a banner.I didnt attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.Let us be thankful for fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed.The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.When red-haired people are above a certain social grade their hair is auburn.Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about.Can we afford Civilization?One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot.There are people who can do all fi ne and heroic things but one -- keep from telling their happiness to the unhappy.I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.The older we grow the greater becomes our wonder at how much ignorance one can contain without bursting ones clothes.In the real world, the right thing never happens in the right place and the right time. It is the job of journalists and historians to make it appear that it has.I respect a man who knows how to spell a word more than one way.History may not repeat itself, but it does rhyme a lot.Dont go around saying the world owes you a living; the world owes you nothing; it was here first.We are all beggars, each in his own way.Name the greatest of all inventors. Accident.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Resurrection of the Woolly Mammoth - 580 Words
The resurrection of the woolly mammoth In the beginning of the year 2011, Japanese scientists, led by Akira Iritani announced, that they plan to resurrect the woolly mammoth within five years. With a little luck these ice age giants who lived until 10’000 years ago may soon become the very first inhabitants of the worlds first zoo for extinct animals. Mammoths are particularly good for resurrection, because of the relatively recent extinction (compared to dinosaurs†¦). Due to the climatic developments since then, many still intact specimens were found frozen in the arctic tundra. Another reason why cloning mammoths is so promising, is the fact that mammoths are so closely related to a living species -the elephants. So scientists may be able to simplify the process by having a living female elephant give birth to a mammoth. A main stumbling block for the project of mammoth resurrection has been that the freezing temperatures unfortunately have left much of the animals DNA too damaged to clone properly.1, 2 How to clone In order to clone an animal, you have to take a cell of it, for example a skin cell. In each single cell one can find the complete genetic information of the whole creature in the DNA, which is in the nucleus. You then take an unfertilised egg cell of a female animal of a related species. You will have to remove it’s cell nucleus and replace it with the nucleus of the animal you want to clone. The whole progress happens in a lab under a microscope.Show MoreRelatedCloning as Solution to Food Shortages and Needs for New Medicine1436 Words  | 6 Pagesmedication in their milk. (Weiss) More recently, Woolly Mammoth bones have been discovered in Siberia. The discovery of these bones may allow scientists to create a new revival of Woolly Mammoths. Scientists are still trying to decide what species should be a surrogate mother for the DNA, and the choice is between complete elephant eggs or the ovarian tissues of an elephant being placed into a mouse. The scientists are also concerned if the mammoth cells’ DNA will deteriorate as the bones thaw, soRead MoreAnimal Cloning Should Be Banned1977 Words  | 8 Pagesresearch, someone asked the question, â€Å"Occasionally one hears claims that extinct animals (e.g. woolly mammoths, Tasmanian tigers or dinosaurs) are going to be brought back to life using somatic cell nuclear transfer using frozen or otherwise preserved tissue and surrogate pregnancy in related animals. How plausible are such claims?’’ And, the panel answered with this, â€Å"Although in theory such resurrections might be possible, in reality they are extremely unlikely; there are two BIG issues. â€Å"(wwwRead MoreHumans Causing Decline in Biodiversity Essays2274 Words  | 10 Pages There is evidence to suggest that many frog species are recovering from the Chytrid fungus, some even reaching pre-infection numbers. It is possible that some communities have adapted resistibility to the disease (Zukerman, 2010). Moreover, a resurrection of sorts (albeit human assisted) has been possible with some extinct species such as the much publicised Quagga. The equus quagga quagga is now known to be a subspecies of Burchells Zebra, and a selective breeding program has meant that creatures
Welcome speech for annual day Free Essays
Every morning when I put on my Head Girl badge, I am reminded of the responsibility, challenges and leadership I entail. Although Yr 12 is often described as hectic, for me it has been a year of great discoveries. Where I have learnt from positive and negative experiences, learnt about myself and my peers, and gained the acquired knowledge I will need to carry on for the beginning of my adult life. We will write a custom essay sample on Welcome speech for annual day or any similar topic only for you Order Now When I think of the Student Council team this year, I see a group of passionate young adults who can work together in making positive changes throughout the school. Their strength, enthusiasm and positivity has been refreshing and assisted us through the years’ hurdles. My experiences at Leeming Senior High School have shaped me into the Year 12 Student I am today and I thank the teachers, students and school for all they have contributed. â€Å"Ability is nothing without opportunity’ I have been given countless opportunities to enhance my leadership skills and workshop my passion for drama. I have attended various leadership camps such as the Sir Charles Court Leaders Program in 2009 and the Amanda Young Leaders Eco-Summit in 2010. Both these camps not only taught me how to develop my leadership qualities but also bring these skills out into the community, and especially our school. My involvement in the annual school productions, ‘Summer of the Aliens’ in 2009, ‘Ziggy’s Bar – A Cabaret’ in 2010 and this year’s ‘A Dream Deferred’; can be characterised by the words: magical, emotional and at times, life changing. IVe come to believe the truth is the most valuable gift you can share with other people. Who you are and what you do is priceless. Sharing my experiences and leadership with the rest of LSHS, the class of 2011 and eventually the rest of the world, has and is one of my goals. My stories. My truths. So that we may all come to understand each other a little better. So that we may all find our own definition of what it means to be successful. So that our generation will be prepared to lead. I leave you with one last quote from Nelson Mandela, â€Å"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that generation. â€Å" How to cite Welcome speech for annual day, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Merchant Essays - Italian Films, Orientalism, The Merchant Of Venice
Merchant Of Venice Stereotypes in "The Merchant of Venice" "Dumb jocks! ", "Women don't belong there, doing that!", "He must be a criminal, just look at his clothes." How often have we heard somebody mention these things, yet, how often have we said something similar? Our society is based on face values where we categorize people because of a few actions. All of the above statements are prejudicial notions used to define members of a social or an ethnic group, and are called stereotypes. Stereotypes are explored greatly in the Shakespeare play "The Merchant Of Venice", as most of the main characters are looked upon with a stereotypical point of view. However Not all of the main characters are, some take a different perspective and are a completely different breed of character compared to the others. A good example of a stereotypical character in "The Merchant of Venice" would be Shylock. Shylock is a Jew, and in this time period, Jews where used mainly as loan officials. The stereotype that he is placed with is that of a Jew, or as it was seen back then. While the character Portia is a good example of a character that hasn't been implemented with any stereotypes. Some of the play's characters have some stereotypical aspect about them. Antonio is the main character, and is affected by stereotypes. He is noble, rich, high class, dominant and couldn't care less for the Jew and always wants to make a buck. This was the stereotype for a rich businessman, and this is how the audience views Antonio. " You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog, And spit upon my Jewish gabardine," (A1, S3, Ln103-104) Here Shylock is telling us what Antonio has done to him in the past, which shows that Antonio is both a snob and high class, as he looks down upon the Jew and spits on his clothes. "... I thank my fortune for it, ...Upon the fortune of this present year: Therefore my merchandise makes me not sad" (A1, S1, Ln41-45) Here Antonio is expressing his sadness for his ships that are at see. He is sad because he is unsure if they will return bringing him his riches or if that they will sink on their mission. This is when the audience is first shown his greed and businessman like attitude. His nobility is shown well in the courtroom scene. "For Herein Fortune shows herself more kind Than is her custom: it is still her use To let wretched man outlive his wealth" (A4, S1, Ln263-265) Antonio is saying that it was fate's choice to let him die here, and he has accepted that. This shows his nobility, as he is ready to accept defeat to the Jew and receive his punishment, instead of trying to wriggle out of it. Another character that is also very stereotypical is Shylock, the villainous Jew. He is a man who is sought after only for a loan, as it was only Jews who could give loans and receive interest. Shylock's character of cunning, evil and mischievous man was the stereotype of a Jew back then. This is how Shylock is portrayed through out the play. " Fair sir, you spat on me Wednesday last, You spurned me such a day, another time You called me dog: and for these courtesies I'll lend you thus much monies." (A1, S3, Ln118-121) Many people would ask the question, why would someone in Shylock's position want to give anything to a person who has treated them as badly as Antonio. However, under the interest free bond that Shylock has created with Antonio lies a need for revenge so great that Shylock will do anything to take the life of Antonio. This shows how cunning and mischievous he is as he then agrees and instead of paying interest, if Antonio is late, he will pay a pound of flesh. " Expressed in the condition, let forfeit Be nominated for an equal pound Of you fair flesh, to be cut off and taken" (A1, S3, Ln141-143) This again shows his cunning and corrupt character. Although both Antonio and Shylock and both stereotyped in the play, there are some characters that are not stereotyped. The best example of this is Portia. Back in Shakespeare's time, the woman was stereotyped as being obedient they also never usually were expected to do anything socially of any real importance. And although Portia is partly a stereotyped character with the fact that she follows her father wishes in that the person she marries
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Bill Bradey Essays - New York Knicks, Bill Bradley, Shooting Guards
Bill Bradey Essays - New York Knicks, Bill Bradley, Shooting Guards Bill Bradey Bill Bradley 7/28/43 Bill Bradley College: Princeton and Oxford Height: 6-5 Weight: 205 lbs. Average Points Per Game is 12.4 Rebounds in his Career 2354 Assists in Career 2533 Points in Career 9217 Bill Bradley started off his life in Crystal City, Missouri. He was born on July 28, 1943. He took his first shot with a basketball when he was 9 at the Crystal Citys YMCA. He started playing basketball for his local high school as a freshman. He became captain of his high school team his second year. He often went to the gym when he didnt have a team practice. He would ask his coach if he could use the gym on the off days of practice. Bill then moved on from high school and made up his mind to go to Princeton University. He was an all American is college and was also asked to play on the Olympic team. That team went on to be gold medallists. He later broke the record for most points in a single NCAA tournament. He also became the first basketball player to get the Sullivan Award for the nations best amateur athlete. Aside from all his basketball he was a good student getting strait Bs. Bill was one of the thirty-two people of the U.S. chosen to go to Oxford University in England. Bill then came back after two years of little basketball to be drafted by the knicks. He signed a three year contract for 500,000. That was unusual for a basketball player to get. Most of them got 50,00 to 100,00. He then had to spend six months in the air force. After the six months he started playing for the knicks. But he wasnt as good as he was in college because, he didnt have as much practice. But managed to start on the knicks great team the second year of his career. Bill won the rookie of the year award. In 1971 he was thinking about dropping out of basketball and going for politics but then he hit his career high 38 and stayed. He also got three hundred rebounds and assists. Bill was then chosen for the all-star game which he thought were only for the young starts not the old but he thought wrong. He played twelve minutes and scored four points. Bill brought his team to 4 championships. Bill had his high games and his low games. He played good games will more then ten assists, points, rebounds and even blocks. In 1972-1973 he was averaging 16 points. In 1976 he decided to retire. He averaged four points and twelve minutes per game. His scoring average of his career was 12.4. After he retired he wanted to join in politics. Bradley won his democratic election. He didnt just stop playing basketball he stop watching basketball in 1977. He did this all for his daughter. He was then elected for the Basketball Hall of Fame. He later became an educator at Stanford, Maryland, and Notre Dame. That is my report on Bill Bradley.
Monday, March 2, 2020
A Close Look at the Singapore Math Method
A Close Look at the Singapore Math Method One of the harder things parents have to do when it comes to their child’s schooling is understand a new method of learning. As the Singapore Math Method gains popularity, it’s starting to be used in more schools across the nation, leaving more parents to figure out what this method is all about. A close look at the philosophy and framework of Singapore Math can make it easier to understand what’s going on in your child’s classroom. The Singapore Math Framework The framework of Singapore Math is developed around the idea that learning to problem-solve and develop mathematical thinking are the key factors in being successful in math.The framework states: â€Å"The development of mathematical problem-solving ability is dependent on five inter-related components, namely, Concepts, Skills, Processes, Attitudes, and Metacognition.†Looking at each component individually makes it easier to understand how they fit together to help children gain skills that can help them solve both abstract and real-world problems. 1. Concepts When children learn mathematical concepts, they are exploring the ideas of branches of math like numbers, geometry, algebra, statistics and probability, and data analysis. They’re not necessarily learning how to work the problems or the formulas that go with them, but rather gaining an in-depth understanding of what all of these things represent and look like.It’s important for kids to learn that all of math works together and that, for example, addition doesn’t stand by itself as an operation, it carries on and is a part of all the other math concepts as well. Concepts are reinforced using math manipulatives and other practical, concrete materials. 2. Skills Once students have a solid grasp of the concepts, it’s time to move on to learning how to work with those concepts. In other words, once the students have an understanding of the ideas, they can learn the procedures and formulas that go with them. This way the skills are anchored to the concepts, making it easier for students to understand why a procedure works.In Singapore Math, skills don’t just refer to knowing how to work something out with pencil and paper, but also knowing what tools (calculator, measurement tools,etc.) and technology can be used to help solve a problem. 3. Processes The framework explains that processes â€Å"includes reasoning, communication and connections, thinking skills and heuristics, and application and modeling.† Mathematical reasoning is the ability to look carefully at mathematical situations in a variety of different contexts and logically apply the skills and concepts to problem-solve the situation. Communication is the ability to clearly, concisely and logically use the language of math to explain ideas and mathematical arguments. Connections is the ability to see how math concepts are related to each other, how math is related to other areas of study and how math relates to real life. Thinking skills and heuristics are the skills and techniques that can be used to solve a problem. Thinking skills include things like sequencing, classifying and identifying patterns. Heuristics are the experience-based techniques a child can use to create a representation of a problem, take an educated guess, figure out the process to work through a problem or how to reframe a problem. For example, a child may draw a chart, try to guess and check or solve parts of a problem. These are all learned techniques. Application and modelling is the ability to use what you’ve learned about how to solve problems to choose the best approaches, tools and representations for a certain situation. It’s the most complicated of the processes and takes a lot of practice for children to create math models. 4. Attitudes Children’s are what they think and feel about math. Attitudes are developed by what their experiences with learning math are like.So, a child who has fun while developing a good understanding of concepts and acquiring skills is more likely to have positive ideas about the importance of math and confidence in his ability to solve problems. 5. Metacognition Metacognition sounds really simple but is harder to develop than you might think. Basically, metacognition is the ability to think about how you are thinking.For kids, this means not only being aware of what they are thinking, but also knowing how to control what they are thinking. In math, metacognition is closely tied to being able to explaining what was done to solve it, thinking critically about how the plan works and thinking about alternative ways to approach the problem.The framework of Singapore Math is definitely complicated, but it’s also definitely well thought out and thoroughly defined. Whether you’re an advocate for the method or not so sure about it, a better understanding of the philosophy is key in helping your child with math.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Airline Sales Plunge Blame Low Fares Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Airline Sales Plunge Blame Low Fares - Essay Example Unlike the demand curve, the supply is positively related to the price hence the higher the price, the higher the quantity supplied to the market. At market equilibrium, the quantity demanded is equal to the quantity supplied hence there is absence of excess demand or excess supply in the market (Wessels 28). The quantity demanded is determined by several factors which include the income levels of the consumers, the price of the commodity, the price of related commodities, the future expectations of changes in price and the population. The quantity of commodity supplied in the market is determined by the price of the commodity, technology and the prices of inputs of production. The supply is also determined by subsidies and government taxation (Wessels 58). This paper will discuss the airline sales plunge which may have been blamed on the low fares. The paper will examine the effect of the recession on the airline industry. Research questions and methodology The paper will answer the questions on what were the causes of decrease in the quantity demanded of airline tickets. The paper will also answer the question on the effect of the fares charged on the cost or price which was actually paid by passengers. The paper will review articles on the impact of low fares on profitability of Airline industry during the recession. The airline passenger sales revenues declined by 19 percent in September year-to-year which was not attributed to lack of business but the low passenger prices for the fares. The number of passengers who travelled during the period also declined slightly by 2 percent according to the Air transport association while the average price per one mile of flying declined substantially by 18 percent (Smith 2). The scenario can be explained by the low demand in the airline industry. The fees which started to be charged on services which came free initially include the checked baggage fee, pet travel, non-alcoholic drinks and food. The extra fee accumulat ed to $ 1.15 in 2009.bsome of the major carriers like U.S Airways, Delta Airlines and Continental Airlines gained about $ 10 surcharge revenues for holiday travels while maintaining their normal fares. The decline in Airline industry profitability was also affected by the increasing prices of crude oil (Smith 2). The decline in the quantity demanded of the Airline industry fares during the recession can be attributed to the decline in consumer income levels. A reduction in the income levels would lead to reduction in the quantity of goods demanded especially goods which are not basic. The recession led to decrease in the number of tourism travels and other leisure related travel hence the Airline industry had to lower their prices in order to attract and retain customers during the recession. The low fares partly attracted demand since the passenger volumes fell by 2 percent but it negatively affected business profitability since prices of inputs like crude oil increased. The prices of other related transport services like ship transport did not increase hence the airline industry had to lower their prices so as to maintain their customer base (Smith 4). The recession negatively affected the global economic and business environment whereby major multi-national companies scaled down their operations hence the volumes
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Supply Chain Management - Essay Example As per the franchise agreement, the Corporation owns most properties where McDonald's is located. The UK business model is different, in that fewer than 30% of restaurants are franchised, with the majority under the ownership of the company. McDonald's trains its franchisees and others at Hamburger University in Oak Brook, Illinois. Nearly one in eight workers in the US has worked with McDonald's at one point in their lives. [1] Eric Schlosser's. McDonald's is also the largest private operator of playgrounds in the country, apart from being the single biggest purchaser of pork, beef, potatoes, and apples. The meats that the company deploys vary with the culture of the country. McDonald's is unique in several ways to its competitors as regards the way it runs its business. It has not always been smooth sailing though, for the most famous fast food joint in the world. McDonald's has been targeted by criticism for allegations of manipulation of entry-level workers, , ecological damage generated by industrial processing of its products, selling far from healthy food, producing packaging waste, exploitative and controversial advertising and partaking in the suffering of livestock. McDonald's' tendency towards promoting high-calorie foods like French fries has not helped either. Also, several McDonald's restaurants are alleged to have used substitute meats, like wildebeest and horse. While these allegations are serious, some argue that it is simply paying the price for being famous. McDonald's Food supply chain McDonald's puts food safety at the very top of their agenda. This is not surprising for a company that does billions of sales revenue annually. This kind of ethics promotes good business as well. At the heart of the McDonald's operation is a quality assurance and supplier food safety programs and is seen as top corporate priority. Suppliers and franchisees have to follow meticulous quality and safety guidelines if they want to sustain their association with McDonald's. It is a high-profile business whose success is founded on good customer experience. Thus, setting clear food safety and quality expectations is the best way to make the business work. [2] Sarah Fister Gale "Food safety is a never-ending process for McDonald's, from raw materials, through the facilities and distribution centers, and all the way to the restaurants. It's a top priority at McDonald's. It's a fundamental standard of our business and our heritage, and will never be compromised." - Lamont Rumbers, director of quality systems for McDonald's USA. [2] For sandwich buns alone McDonald's has tie-ups with more than 20 bakeries all
Friday, January 24, 2020
Elie Wiesel Holocaust Survivor Essay -- Essays Papers
Elie Wiesel Holocaust Survivor As war broke out in Europe during 1939, no one could either imagine or believe the terror that Adolf Hitler would soon bring to the lives of Jewish people. Drawing from his paranoia and a drive for a world Nazi power, Hitler singled out the Jews as the cause for problems in Germany and began to carry out his plan for the destruction of a part of humanity. Hitler not only persecuted the Jews of Germany, but he also targeted the Jews in Poland and other parts of Europe, such as Transylvania, which was the home of Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel. Breaking his self-imposed vow of silence in 1958, Elie Wiesel published Night which details his horrific experiences at the Auschwitz, Buna, and Buchenwald concentration camps during World War II. Deported from his home in Sighet, Transylvania when just a teenager, Wiesel along with many others struggled through bitter cold, inadequate meals, excruciating labor, and long journeys in overcrowded, filthy train cars. In Night, Wiesel not only details his horrific experiences, but also shows how the Jews first denied the Holocaust, next rejected God, and finally how fathers and sons struggled against each other for survival. Wiesel begins his story in 1944 with memories of his idol, Moesh the Beadle. Moesh talked for long hours with Wiesel about prayer, God, and Jewish books. Suddenly, one day all foreign Jews were removed from Sighet and since Moesh was a foreigner, he was crammed into the overcrowded trains by the Hungarian police. As the train pulled away one Jew said,"What can we expect? It's war."1 This comment displays the beginning of the denial by the Jews. The community of Sighet talked of how well the deportees were doing as workers i... .... Frangsmyr, 1 23. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Electronic Publishing Inc., Danbury, CT. Bibliography - Arad, Yitzhak, Yisrael Gutman, and Abraham Margaliot. Documents on The Holocaust. Jerusalem, Israel: Ahva Cooperative Press, 1981. - Frangsmyr, Tore. Biography of Elie Wiesel-Nobel Peace Prize-1986. Les Prix Nobel. (25 October 1998) - Grace, Richard A. Elie Wiesel Ellis Island Medals of Honor. (25 October 1998) - Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Electronic Publishing Inc. , Danbury, CT. - Holmstrom, David. conversations with Outstanding Americans: Elie Wiesel The Christian Science Monitor. (15 October 1998) - Wiesel, Elie. Night. New York: Hill & Wang Publishing, 1982.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Neutralization Test for Virus
NEUTRALIZATION TEST FOR VIRUS Neutralization of a virus is defined as the loss of infectivity through reaction of the virus with specific antibody. Virus and serum are mixed under appropriate condition and then inoculated into cell culture, eggs or animals. The presence of unneutralized virus may be detected by reactions such as CPE, haemadsorption/haemagglutination, plaque formation, disease in animals. The loss of infectivity is bought about by interference by the bound Ab with any one of the steps leading to the release of the viral genome into the host cells.There are two types of neutralization;- Reversible neutralization – The neutralization process can be reversed by diluting the Ab-Ag mixture within a short time of the formation of the Ag-Ab complexes (30 mins). It is thought that reversible neutralization is due to the interference with attachment of virions to the cellular receptors eg. the attachment of the HA protein of influenza viruses to sialic acid. The process requires the saturation of the surface of the virus with Abs.Stable neutralization – with time, Ag-Ab complexes usually become more stable (several hours) and the process cannot be reversed by dilution. Neither the virions nor the Abs are permanently changed in stable neutralization, for the unchanged components can be recovered. The neutralized virus can be reactivated by proteolytic cleavage. Stable neutralization has a different mechanism to that of reversible neutralization. It had been shown that neutralized virus can attach and that already attached virions can be neutralized.The number of Ab molecules required for stable neutralization is considerably smaller than that of reversible neutralization, Kinetic evidence shows that even a single Ab molecule can neutralize a virion. Such neutralization is generally produced by Ab molecules that establish contact with 2 antigenic sites on different monomers of a virion, greatly increasing the stability of the complexes. An ex ample of stable neutralization is the neutralization of polioviruses, whereby, the attachment of the antibody to the viral capsid stabilizes the capsid and inhibits the uncoating and release of viral nucleic acid.Viral evolution must tend to select for mutations that change the antigenic determinants involved in neutralization. In contrast, other antigenic sites would tend to remain unchanged because mutations affecting them would not be selected for and could even be detrimental. A virus would thus evolve from an original type to a variety of types, different in neutralization (and sometimes in HI) tests, but retaining some of the original mosaic of antigenic determinants recognizable by CFTs.Because of its high immunological specificity, the neutralization test is often the standard against which the specificity of the other serological techniques is evaluated. Before the neutralization test is carried out, the known components that are to be used must be standardized. To identify a virus isolate, a known pretitred antiserum is used. Conversely, to measure the antibody response of an individual to a virus, a known pretitred virus is used. To titrate a known virus, serial tenfold dilutions of the isolate is prepared and inoculated into a susceptible host system such as cell culture or animal.The virus endpoint titre is the reciprocal of the highest dilution of virus that infects 50% of the host system eg. 50% of cell cultures develop CPE, or 50% of animals develop disease. This endpoint dilution contains one 50% tissue culture infecting dose (TCID50) or one 50% lethal dose (LD50) of virus per unit volume. The concentration of virus generally used in the neutralization test is 100 TCID50 or 100 LD50 per unit volume. The antiserum is titrated in the neutralization test against its homologous virus.Serial twofold dilutions of serum is prepared and mixed with an equal volume containing 100TCID50 of virus. The virus and serum mixtures are incubated for 1 hour at 3 7oC. The time and temperature for incubation varies with different viruses. The mixtures are then inoculated into a susceptible host system. The endpoint titration contains one antibody unit and is the reciprocal of the highest dilution of the antiserum protecting against the virus. Generally 20 antibody units of antiserum is used in the neutralization tests.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Is the Operation of Auditing Necessary Essay - 1829 Words
[IS THE OPERATION OF AUDITS NECESSARY?] [We need to understand that audit is about achieving customer satisfaction in order to gain repeat business and overall increase company revenue.] What is business ethics? The ethics of a particular business can be diverse. Business ethics is the behavior that a business devotes to in its daily dealings with the world. Auditing is the analysis and inspection of the financial accounts/records whether or not a company has a qualified accountant and procedures of a firm or organization. This is necessary to gain a fair information on the company’s financial statements. With its auditing, potential investors and creditors can look at the financial statements to decide whether to invest in a business†¦show more content†¦Managing for honor is far more than compliance, it also includes management self governance in which company’s employee ethics play a major role. The key aspect for employment is education, leadership, and accountability. These are the compliance strategies that are usually based upon externally established standards. In the corporate world, the key word â€Å"stakeholder†is considere d a questionable term. The word stakeholder is used to describe stockholder and investors who are involved in accusation made by the firm. Stakeholder theory has become well known theme in the business/ethics and society literature. This term has developed more meaning not just in the business world but also in political implication because of the Labor Party in Great Britain, who has adopted this theory. To many economists the word â€Å"stakeholder†is known as the internal code which is used by many companies managers to justify their breaching of fiduciary duty to the owners of the companies. It is believed that a big benefaction comes from well studied case, field research of the firms that would be willing to engage us to help understand how managers overcome the ethical issues in the business world. 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